


专色印刷是指采用黄、品红、青和黑墨四色墨以外的其他色油墨来复制原稿颜色的印刷工艺。包装印刷中经常采用专色印刷工艺印刷大面积底色。 1.什么样的产品会用到专色印刷 包装产品或是书刊的封面经常由不同颜色的均匀色块或有规律的渐变色块和文字来组成,这些色块和文字可以分色后采用四原色墨套印而成,也可以调配专色墨,然后在同一色块处只印某一种专色墨。在综合考虑提高印刷...

What are the common methods of expression in the poster design

What are the common methods of expression in the poster design

One of the commonly used techniques in the design of posters
Direct display
This is one of the most widely used methods of expression. It directly displays a product or theme on the adve...

The advantages and disadvantages of the copperplate and the characteristics of the handbag

The advantages and disadvantages of the copperplate and the characteristics of the handbag

市场上对特种纸的定义说法不一,通俗的说法是指区别于常见的铜版纸,哑粉纸,书纸,无碳纸,灰卡纸等普通用纸的纸。铜版纸张就是平时使用的杂志封皮纸、宣传单等,很普通,处处可见。那么铜版纸有哪些特点?铜版纸制作手提袋有哪些特点? 优点:价格便宜、色彩还原度好,厚度适中。 缺点:一、没有档次,较为普通。二、折叠处在空气干燥环境下,尤其是在冬季,容易爆边、开裂。三、普通铜版纸张挺...

How to distinguish the paper plastic composite bag and the cowhide paper bag

How to distinguish the paper plastic composite bag and the cowhide paper bag

Plastic composite bag is composed of kraft paper and plastic layer, polypropylene flat yarn woven material commonly used plastic layer, the use of refined kraft paper kraft paper compound, from the ex...

Notes on ink ink printing in handbag

Notes on ink ink printing in handbag

In handbag printing, many people don't pay attention to the type of ink and wash, and they don't have good control in printing process, so there may be a series of problems in the quality of printing....